Central Europe and the 1943 Battle of Voronezh
We prepared a brief overview for ludovika.hu about the impact of the 1943 Battle of Voronezh on Central Europe. When we look at the cases it stands out that apart from Hungary, Romania also suffered human loss in the order or 100 000. In fact, the attitude of the Romanian leadership to World War II changed and, subsequently, they focused on preparing for a potential war against Hungary. The battle was also a turning point for the particiapation of the Slovakian army but not for the magnitude of losses: by January 1943, it became clear that the units were not loyal.

Croatian participation was on a much smaller scale but repercussions were heavy even for those surviving soldiers that chose the Yugoslavian resistance upon their return.
It is also important to stress the double sided nature of the fact that Hitler's army and its allies lost the battle. On the one hand, it coincided with the allied conference in Casablanca influencing the grand plans, moreover, the outcome of the battle made it possible for the USA and to began planning for the post-war conditions, including the foundation of organizations like United Nation Relief and Rehabilitation Organization and Food and Agricultural Organization in May 1943. On the other hand, however, the Battle of Voronezh also prepared the ground for the Soviet invasion, resulting devastation and occupation of vast areas in Central Europe.
You may read the post here in Hungarian: https://www.ludovika.hu/magazin/aula/2022/01/17/rivalis-szovetsegesek