Our Public Talks at Academic Events
Although in the first half of 2022, the longevity of the pandemic and, then, the bloody war in Ukraine drained our intellectual energy, we made an effort to keep up the pace in terms of academic engagment.
You may read the summary of the events we organized here.
Here, we provide a brief overview of the events we participated at outside the University of Public Service.
Miklós Mitrovits spoke (in Hungarian) at the following events
26 January 2022 Presented the Special Journal issue of Múltunk on Entangled History: The Hungarian-Polish 20th century.
29 March 2022 Talked of "How close friends Polish and Hungarian are?" at the roundtable discussion organized by the Közép-Európa Társaság [Central Europe Society] and the think tank Political Capital on the rifts and common elements of Hungarian and Polish geopolitical considerations at the Corvinus University in Budapest.
5 May 2022 gave a public talk on "Who was General Jaruzelski?" in the series organized by the County and Municipal Library of Nyíregyháza (in Eastern Hungary)
9 May 2022 "Russian influence in East Cental Europe" paper presented at the interdisciplanary conference titled "Nulla Salus Bello”, vagy jöhet háborúból üdv?' [Can salvation arise from war?] organized by the Department of Language and Literature of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest
30 May 2022 he appeared on Ludovika.tv and talked the historical perspective of the imperial nature of Russia as an empire and the current Central European reaction to this phenomenon.

Csaba Zahorán
5 April 2022 presented a paper "Land of peaceful separatists – the Szeklerland in Romanian media" at the event titled Nationalism and Media, which was organized by the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism and a platform called National movements and Intermediary Structures in Europe and took place in Antwerp.
4 May 2022 also gave a paper at the convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities "From Conflicts to Fragile Balance: The Dynamics of Hungarian and Romanian Symbolic Practices In Transylvania Since 1989" organized online
On 12 February, he spoke on the Hungarian state-owned TV channel M5 about Hungarian-Czech relations in the programme called "História".
Róbert Balogh
26 February 2022 he talked of the perspective of relating landscape history and the history of food supply at an event organized by Ökopolisz Foundation in Debrecen.
6 May 2022 gave a paper titled “The Role of Forest Laws in the Transition to Profit-oriented Agriculture as State Project in the Kingdom of Hungary, 1849—1918” at the online workshop Modernization by the State and its Ecological Consequences in East-Central Europe organized by the Centre for Economic and Social History, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
20 May 2022 he presented a paper on the impact of the concept of the Carpathian Basin on anthropogenic landscape change at the 6th edition of the conference "Dimenziók" that focussed on visual representation and construction of landscapes and land-use. The event took place at ELTE Budapest.